Migrant Knowledge

#MigKnow Notes 18

Upcoming Migration-related Events at the German Historical Institute Washington

“‘Harlem in Germany’: Race, Migration, and the American Analogy in the Federal Republic,” Lecture at UC Berkeley | 201 Philosophy Hall and on Zoom. Speaker: Migrant Knowledge Network member Lauren Stokes (Northwestern University). Click here to register for in-person or Zoom attendance.

Several of the upcoming symposia, workshops, and conferences at the GHI Washington feature migration themes. See the full list here. We will report on these events afterward on this blog.

Upcoming Conference

Conference 2023 – “Contesting 21st Century B/Orders,” September 6-8, 2023” at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. From the conference website:

At the international conference "Contesting 21st Century B/Orders," the Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, in cooperation with the international research networks “Borders in Globalization“– 21st Century borders (BIG) and “Transfrontier Euro-Institut Network (TEIN), aims to discuss how societal orders in the 21st century are changing through new forms of the border and boundary drawing and to investigate how the borders of the contemporary world are shaped.

Calls for Papers

Music, Knowledge, and Global Migration, ca. 1700−1900,” to take place at the Pacific Office of the German Historical Institute, University of California, Berkeley, from April 15-16, 2024. Deadline: October 1, 2023.

Conference Reports

Contested Mobilities in U.S. History: Annual Conference of the Historians of the German Association for American Studies,” report by Viviana Acuña Azuaje and Max Gaida of Abteilung für Nordamerikanische Geschichte, Historisches Institut, Universität zu Köln, of the conference from May 5-7, 2023. The conference featured contributions by Migrant Knowledge Network member and GHI research fellow Jana Keck, among others.

”Borders in Flux and Border Temporalities in and Beyond Europe,” report by Johanna Jaschik, C2DH, of the University of Luxemburg, of the conference from December 15-16, 2022, in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg. This conference “aimed to explore the temporal dimension in border research, specifically in 19th- and 20th-century Europe and beyond.”

A relevant German-language conference with network members from the GHI Washington: Everyday Histories of Airports: “Alltagsgeschichten von Flughäfen,” in Vienna, Austria, from March 29-31, 2023. Report by Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş, German Historical Institute Washington and Leontien Potthoff, Nordamerikanische Geschichte, Universität zu Köln. “Three papers illuminated airports as everyday spaces of migration,” those by Carolin Liebisch-Gümüş, Carole Martin, and network member Lauren Stokes.

The Impact of War Experiences in Europe – The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945), organized by Project WARLUX, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg, in Belval, Luxembourg, from October 26-28, 2022. Report by Sarah Maya Vercruysse, Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), University of Luxembourg.

This conference invited scholars to offer substantive new insights into the recruitment of non-Germans into the German armed forces and labour organisations during the Second World War, as well as the use of biographical sources to study the soldiers’ war experiences.

Relevant Publications, Exhibits, Projects


Victoria Kravtsova (Humboldt Universität Berlin), “Queer Feminist Border Thinking in Bishkek and Almaty,” Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists, June 2, 2023.

Interesting online roundtable article series: “Exiled: Identity and Identification” in the online open-access journal Age of Revolutions.

Recent issues of The Journal of Migration History 9, nos. 1 and 2. This journal publishes three issues per year and is chock full of articles relevant to our network and network members.

Review of Anette Hoffmann, Listening to Colonial History: Echoes of Coercive Knowledge Production in Historical Sound Recordings from Southern Africa (Basel: Basler Afrika Bibliographien, 2023), by Melanie Boehl.


De-Zentralbild: Private photos of GDR Migrants – Following the Trail of Images. The project’s aim is to:

... create a digital exhibition devoted to the photographic and biographical (self-)representation of former East German immigrants. Using private photos, the organisers aim to (re-)present what everyday life in the GDR looked like from the immigrants’ perspective. Accompanying texts, illustrations and video portraits will shed light on their history and present-day circumstances. How do former GDR immigrants and their families live in Germany today? What ever became of the contract workers, students and political exiles who returned to their countries of origin?

CoMOR: "Configurations of European Fairs: Merchants, Objects, Routes (1350-1600),” directed by Prof. Dr. Susanne Rau at the University of Erfurt. This project, which began in 2020 and will conclude in October of this year, aims “to map the trade fair business in spatial and temporal perspective for the first time in a relational database and in a geo-information system that has been created by digital humanities experts.” At the end of the project, this will be openly available.

The Art of Arriving: Reframing “Refugee Integration,” University of Vienna. This interdisciplinary German-language project, sponsored by FWF. Österreicherischer Wissenschaftsfonds, aims to “sound out the transformative potential of art for the sociology of migration and integration.”

lastseen Bildatlas. “The image atlas contains photos of the deportations from the German Reich from 1938 to 1945.”

Featured image: “The Second of May 1808: The Charge of the Mamelukes,” by Francisco de Goya (1814), used as the title image for the online journal Age of Revolutions.