New Book from the Network: Urban Inequality

New book by Christiane Reinecke, Die Ungleichheit der Städte: Urbane Problemzonen im postkolonialen Frankreich und der Bundesrepublik [The Inequality of Cities: Urban Problem Zones in Postcolonial France and the Federal Republic of Germany] (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2021).

New Book from the Network: Europe’s Borders

A new open access book by Jochen Oltmer (Osnabrück) is available in Springer’s Essentials series: Die Grenzen der EU: Europäische Integration, ‘Schengen’ und die Kontrolle der Migration (2021).

#MigKnow Notes 12

Two calls and five reading tips related to this blog’s central themes: migrants’ knowledge, knowledge about migrants, and migrating knowledge.