Migrant Knowledge

News from the Network

It is past time to report that Nicholas Miller is now the reviews editor at H-Migration. For further details, see the announcement by Stacy Fahrenthold as well as the call for reviewers by Nick.

There have also been some editorial changes on this blog. Andrea Westermann, who played a huge role in launching Migrant Knowledge, has returned to the ETH Zürich in Switzerland. There, she is working on a book project entitled “Earth Matters: Between Terrestrial and Social Scales.” We will miss Andrea, and we thank her for her engagement, her elan, her creative insights, and her collegiality.

Swen Steinberg and Mark Stoneman remain on the Migrant Knowledge editorial team, and they are being joined by Andrea’s successor at the GHI’s Pacific Office, Sören Urbansky, as well as by a new GHI fellow in Washington, DC, Andreas Greiner. Andreas is also joining Mark and Swen on our Twitter account, @migknow. His own handle there is @AndGreiner.

Please share your news and tips with us, whether by email or on Twitter. Thank you.

Featured image: View from the observation roof of the Ellis Island immigration station, ca. 1913. Further details about this photograph are available at its NYPL Digital Collections page.