Missionary FAQs: The Migration of Knowledge about and from Early Modern Jesuit Missions

Frei discusses the knowledge prospective Jesuit missionaries sought to gain before applying, and knowledge missionaries provided back home.
News from the Network

News about various contributions and awards from the Migrant Knowledge Network. Members are invited to share theirs as well.
Violence against Migrants in the GDR and the Lack of Epistemic Impact

Schütz shows how GDR officials’ knowledge of violence against guest workers failed to change their perception of them or the nature of the country. Instead, they blamed the workers.
#MigKnow Notes 14

A roundup of recent work and resources in migration and migrant knowledge.
Knowledge and Ignorance about ‘the Turkish Woman’ in West Germany and Migrant Women’s Responses

Highlighting an interview with a Turkish migrant woman, Kübra Göksel explores the “knowledge” West Germans had about these guest workers, the impact this knowledge had on their lives, and the ways they occasionally utilized that knowledge for their own benefit.
Simone Lässig Interviewed on “In Global Transit” Research Focus

The latest issue of the Bulletin of the German Historical Institute includes an interview with Director Simone Lässig on the research focus “In Global Transit”
New Book from the Network: Migration Policy and Scholarship in Switzerland

Kijan Espahangizi has a new book available: Der Migrations-Integrationskomplex (Wallstein, 2022), in the Konstanz University Press series.
2022 Lecture Series for the Project ‘In Global Transit’

Lecture series for ‘In Global Transit’ Project begins June 8 with a lecture by Joachim Schlör. Registration required.
Editorial News

Mark Stoneman is leaving the Migrant Knowledge editorial team. We would like to thank him for his years of engagement, and especially for all his hard work in helping us to conceive and launch the blog. Patricia “Casey” Sutcliffe of the GHI Washington will manage the blog going forward.